Thank you for your attendance at the 19th Annual National Forum on First Nations Property Taxation.  The conference was a success due to the participation of each and every one of you.

Special thanks to this year's speakers:

Chief Clarence Louie, Ernest Jack, Stanley Hamilton, Katherine MacNeill, Christina Clarke, Ernie Daniels, Manny Jules, Latrica Nicholas, Harold Calla, Deborah Taylor, Andre Le Dressay, Helder Ponte, Kim Baird, Ken Scopick, Trenton Paul and Derek Zienowicz.

The information you share helps us to build and maintain tax administration systems which benefit the economy building of our communities.

It is always a pleasure to gather with our colleagues, enjoy a golf tournament and dinner, listen to presentations from industry leaders and share with one another the challenges and joys unique to our profession.



FNTAA 2012 Conference 025.JPG  

As promised, here are the presentations which were not provided on your memory stick:

Presentation 1 Osoyoos
Presentation 5 FNFMB
Presentation 9 Tsawwassen







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